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The fishy odor of seafood

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1The fishy odor of seafood Empty The fishy odor of seafood Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:12 pm



The fishy odor of seafood 8bahaisan
Many people like to eat seafood but love the smell when processing problems, and worse, do not know how to remove the fishy smell, making food not as it should.

Here are small tricks, help you get from seafood dishes out delicious as the restaurant.

How to deodorize:

A. Soak Wash

For ocean fish too fishy, ​​you have to wash 3-4 times with water can wash the rice soak fish or taking salt scrub and rinse thoroughly. After washing, should be drained before processing.
Want cleaning fish slime clinging on, when do you allow the water a few drops of oil into the pot plants.

Individual types of seafood such as shrimp, squid, clams, oysters should be soaked thoroughly washed several times. Then diluted in brine for 10 minutes, rinse with clear water and pat dry before cooking.

Heart surgery to remove marine fish, carrying, type scales, fins, and cutting to remove black membrane in the abdomen thoroughly.

With these types of buildings such as snails, snails strabismus, rice snails, snail ... sand washed after soaking the ground, continue rinsing rice soaked with water, snails will release more oil smell to disappear. With this wash the rice soaked with water will clean buildings than the outer shell.

Two. Temperature

With seafood, especially fish, fishy cooking hot substances will be broken down. So should open the lid while cooking smell to evaporate easily.

3. Spices

Use aromatic spices such as pepper, chili, ginger, onions, laksa leaves, parsley ... to just remove the smell of seafood down just add flavor to the dish.

Use of substances such as lemon sour, contracts, tamarind, fresh rice, vinegar ... cooking with seafood, fish or just remove the smell has less to do more good food.

Use wine to marinate the seafood, fish before frying, grilling or frying fish before let marinate with a little milk to soften the smell before frying.

If the appeal is to add a little boiling alcohol to help for seafood, fish smell disappear, helping more delicious.


To dissipate the smell of fish in their hands after doing, you can use a toothpaste or white wine to wash your hands.

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