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Snakehead fish fillet meat

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1Snakehead  fish fillet meat Empty Snakehead fish fillet meat Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:53 pm



Snakehead  fish fillet meat Image002jv
Many housewives are difficult to snakehead fish to filleting. Everything will be easier if you follow the way below:

To snakehead fish fillet meat quickly you need a sharp knife, scissors, cutting boards and the agility of hands.

Step 1: Place the fish on the cutting board, using scissors to cut out of.

Step 2: a small incision in the abdominal groove, moi all gut, wash the fish.

Step 3: Place the knife at the tail of the fish, snake light knife along the spine, the neck to stop.

Step 4: Use a light hand separated meat has snakehead fish tail, spleen bone blade flush snake upward until the end of his fish.

Step 5: Get the top fillet pieces completed, starting from the tail of fish, boned and head out to retrieve the next fillet.

Step 6: Once finished snakehead fish fillet, use a knife lightly comb the remaining bone chips near the belly of the fish.

Step 7: Place the fish fillets on a flat surface, the fish can easily peel back by pulling out the back.

Step 8: Depending on the dish, you can fish fillet processing in different ways.

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