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Skillfully with alcohol

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1Skillfully with alcohol Empty Skillfully with alcohol Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:49 pm



Skillfully with alcohol Ruou
Besides the drinks, little-known wine in cooking, there are some other uses such as food preservation, help individuals live longer, which helps the meat is tender when marinated with wine, fishy odor, reduce acidity in the dish Together they eat ... I tried a few tips with wine!

For chicken, duck meat more delicious, the spicy, you put a little red wine, cooking meat will absorbent, soft and very fragrant. Chicken, duck soaked in alcohol left in the fridge, the meat is fragrant and retain color. Wine marinated beef will be softer and sweeter. Usually people choose wines inferior quality compared with the meat to marinate for drinking.

Before cutting more poultry, that they drink a little wine for they say. In doing so, when dipped in hot water, hair removal is easy.

To get rid of fish odor characteristic of the mud, put fish on rice wine. Alcohol will help fish delicious when cooked.

Want fresh fish after fish in the market for just a few drops of alcohol into the mouth small fish while still alive. Then drop into the bowl of water, to fresh air. Thus, even though it is still hot fish can live for several days.

While cooking, the more vinegar you accidentally, do not worry, just add a few tablespoons of rice wine, sour dishes will fall soon.

When you fry eggs, add a few drops of rice wine, the eggs will be soft and beautiful yellow nursery.

When rice is life, many people refill the pot and stove hong north until cooked or discarded. To avoid waste and time consuming, but effective and simple, do the following way: to live for the supper, pour wine into the pot in every half pound of rice ratio is one-third cup of wine. Simmer until wine evaporates, rice will be cooked, the odor of alcohol.

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