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Seafood selection Tips

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1Seafood selection Tips Empty Seafood selection Tips Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:28 pm



Choose delicious seafood is not easy so if you want seafood meals appealing, you should use the following small tips.

A. How to choose ink

Fresh Ink has many types such as cuttlefish, squid, cuttlefish sim ... If you want to select fresh squid, you should choose me to, his thick, milky white as copra, the meat must not be crushed, brown membrane surrounding all external to the squid cuttlefish also choose to have bright pinkish pulp, oil still adhering to the body, not break the ink bag.

Note: The ink cartridge is less fresh turned greenish ivory, meat paste, the body does not bond well, smells very fishy.

Dried squid: When choosing to have children, do not choose too small or too large, usually dry ink selected from 100-150 grams is a medium. Ink was very thick, delicious, light pink, flat cartridge body has white powder on the surface layer, see the manual dry, aromatic, not fishy.

Two. How to choose crab

Crab there are many types to choose according to tastes like crab brick, crab meat, crab country. Crab meat and crab tiles are very tasty and nutritious. You want to choose delicious crabs taken by crab hand print on the affection, if the disk is much crab meat. Also if you buy used then you just look more and more of it sticks, if that is succulent crab sponge, not good. Delicious crab shells look outside see a dull gray, affection to.

3. How to choose crab

Unlike crab is slightly yellow-colored brick, the crab legs when soft and not very strong contractions. But the crab meat when you press your hands into the bottom close the breast tenderness, near the foot paddle if the crab concave tiles. If you are afraid to touch the crab that just looking at it with affection choose red crab, fresh crab legs will bend but not stretch.

4. Choosing shrimp

Delicious shrimp have toned body, crust was hard, opaque white, not red or blaze of gold. The first section adhering to the body, the more intact, does not smell fishy or rotten.

Seafood selection Tips Shrimp_small
Five. Choosing scallops

There are many to choose from shellfish such as oysters, clams feathers, shells, but the choice is not much different. As oysters are delicious when you choose must be greater because of less time eating cooked oysters will shrink, but so are more susceptible to long. Fresh oysters on the basket when looking at the many children who are tongue sticking out. If oysters mouth, you would smell the odor because there will be oysters should not buy.

Your Hint: Do not buy seafood such as shrimp, crab on the days between the lunar months at that time will not delicious seafood.

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